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About our team

Our career coaching team is comprised of accredited UK careers advisors and a range of different specialists, each catering to their own area of expertise.

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Mike Stevenson

Managing Director & Founder

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As Marketing Director at Michael Page International, I was struck by one thing — the sheer number of people coming to recruitment agencies for career guidance.

When I moved to Randstad, I started closely observing the 10%ers — the top talent who love their jobs and are in high demand from employers. I wanted to understand precisely what they were doing so right that the other 90% could learn from.

The 90% fail to unleash their natural talents at work — they don't get the jobs they deserve — because they've never been shown how to properly manage their careers.

That's why I created NINETY, to provide a cost-effective career coaching solution to teach people how to thrive like the 10%ers.

Dave Cordle career coach headshot

Dave Cordle

Head of Career Coaching

Dave Cordle is President of The CDI, & is a highly experienced Career Coach. He is also accredited as a Career Management Fellow (CMF) by the Institute of Career Certification International & is a UK Registered Career Development Professional (RCDP).

'I love NINETY because it fits so well with my mission: empowering everybody with the skills to seek & get work that they love.'

Away from work, Dave has a love for the mountains, & has journeyed to many of the great ranges & polar regions.

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Rocio Pastor Guevara

Head of Career Guides

We know making your next career move can be a lonely place, so it's our job to be there for you. You'll find our team of Career Guides a big support as you make your way through the three NINETY phases: Ready, Aim & Hire.

If you have a question about the Programme, an admin-related issue, or just need a pep-talk — we're available 7 days/week.

One thing our Career Guides all have in common is their passion for helping people find fulfilling work.

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Our approach

The NINETY programme is designed to use all aspects of your personality to help you make better career decisions and secure your ideal job.

Career IQ

Intelligence Quotient

It’s important to make career decisions using your head.  Assess your skills and expertise to determine your options, whether there are gaps in your knowledge and experience that need to be filled, or whether there are future threats to your current career.

Career EQ

Emotional Quotient

At the same time, you should also learn to trust your gut instinct. Deep down, you know what your personal priorities are and what will make you happy. You need to find the balance in your working life that will work best for you.

Career LQ

Love Quotient

It’s what we do for others that brings us true fulfilment. The collaborative nature of the NINETY programme will help you to achieve this. And beyond that, finding a position where you can make a difference and be useful to others will bring real, lasting satisfaction. Decision making from the heart.

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Life's is precious

We spend 50% of waking hours at work. Can we really afford to dedicate this time to a job we don't enjoy?

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Anyone can find a job they love

With the right guidance, we believe that anyone can discover a fulfilling career. It's our mission to lead you there.

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Everyone is Unique

We all have unique talents and interests, which means that no two people's career strategy should look the same.

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Our mission

At NINETY, we’re here to help you craft a powerful career plan, unleash the full power of your natural talents & gain a deep sense of fulfilment at work.

Get Started
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Online coaching